Orbital announces a strategic contract with Swedish bearing and seal manufacturer SKF for the supply of the fully integrated power trains on its O2 2-megawatt floating tidal turbine, which will become the world’s most powerful tidal turbine when it enters operation at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney next year.
The contract brings the industrial capabilities of SKF in behind Orbital Marine’s renewable technology. It also provides Orbital with access to the resources of one of Europe’s largest OEMs (original equipment manufacturer).
SKF has an annual turnover of over £6 billion in global equipment sales and services.
This latest announcement builds on an existing agreement which sees the blade pitching hubs for the machine also being supplied by the Swedish engineering and manufacturing firm.
Orbital has been working with SKF for the supply of bearing and sealing components since 2011 in both its 250kW unit and the SR2000-2MW unit, which produced in excess of 3GWh of electricity over its initial 12-month continuous test programme at EMEC.
However, the commercial supply arrangement for the O2 2MW turbine is a departure from the component supply model to one where SKF is providing Orbital fully integrated drivetrain solutions covering both nacelles and pitching hubs for the tidal turbine.
Orbital Marine’s CEO, Andrew Scott, said: “At Orbital Marine we are about delivering a total, innovative solution that enables low-cost tidal stream energy. Commercialising our technology will create an entirely new global market for power generation equipment and services and we are delighted to be working with SKF to unlock this.”
Michael Baumann, marine and ocean energy chief at SKF, said: “We are a technical partner to advanced tidal turbine device developers for almost a decade now and are delighted that our long-term partnership with Orbital evolves to the next major step from providing main mechanical subsystems to fully integrated power train solutions. We see tremendous potential for floating tidal technology due to its low installation and operating costs and are keen to create value-adding solutions for our customers.”
Orbital’s contract with SKF follows recent contract awards as part of the overall build programme for the O2; these include the O2 manufacturing contract to TEXO Group in Dundee and an anchors contract to FAUN Trackway in Anglesey.
The announcement also follows the Scottish government’s award in August of a £3.4-million grant to Orbital Marine from the £10-million Saltire Tidal Energy Challenge Fund.
Orbital 02 with support vessel.